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In vampire movies, not all vampires sparkle in the sunlight. Some can convincingly act like they’re warm-blooded humans.
Recognizing this, talented artist Julia Loadstar has chosen to share her funny comic, ‘Vampire Boyfriend,’ with the world.
Julia, a 25-year-old artist from California, said, “I’m inspired by classic children’s book illustrations by Quentin Blake and Edward Gorey.”
Julia’s comics, featuring Peg and her vampire boyfriend Nicolai, are drawn in a delightful style. They humorously capture the ups and downs of their relationship, making you laugh and feel warm inside. Enjoy Julia’s drawings, compiled by Bright Humanity, for a fun and heartwarming experience!
Let’s hear what people think about Julia’s drawings! Don’t forget to share them with your vampire-loving family and friends for a good laugh.
More info: | Vampire Boyfriend | Instagram (Comics) | Twitter




























