List of Cutest Cat Breeds that You Can Adopt One of them
1. Siamese
2. Persian
3. Maine Coon
4. Sphynx
5. Scottish Fold
6. Bengal
7. British Shorthair
8. Ragdoll
9. Sphinx
10. Savannah
11. Abyssinian
12. Russian Blue
13. Himalayan
14. Devon Rex
15. American Shorthair
16. Cornish Rex
17. Birman
18. Exotic Shorthair
19. Turkish Angora
20. Norwegian Forest Cat
21. Manx
22. Burmese
23. Tonkinese
24. Balinese
25. Bombay
26. Ocicat
27. Chartreux
28. Japanese Bobtail
29. Scottish Straight
30. American Bobtail
31. Munchkin
32. Peterbald
33. Somali
34. Toyger
35. Pixie-Bob
36. Singapura
37. European Shorthair
38. Cymric
39. Australian Mist
40. Siberian
41. Turkish Van
42. LaPerm
43. Egyptian Mau
44. Selkirk Rex
45. Havana Brown
46. Snowshoe
47. Foldex
48. Highlander
49. Ukrainian Levkoy
50. Serengeti
51. Khao Manee
52. Toybob
53. Javanese
54. German Rex
55. American Curl
56. Sokoke
57. Chantilly-Tiffany
58. Ojos Azules
59. Thai
60. Kurilian Bobtail