Extraction is the 2020 Action Thriller Film. It is directed by Sam Hargrave, and its story is based on the Ciudad Comic. The film is shot in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Ban Pong, Ratchaburi, Thailand. The film primarily revolves around Tyler Rake (Krrish Hemsworth), Ovi Mahajan (Rudraksha Jaiswal), Saju (Randeep Hooda), and Aamir Asif (Priyanshu Painyuli). The plot of this film is based on Tyler Rake, a black-market mercenary, who gets a contract to save Ovi Mahajan, the boy of the Indian drug mafia don kidnapped by Dhaka-Bangladesh drug mafia don Aamir Asif.
The film begins with the kidnapping of Ovi Mahajan Jr., the son of India’s most significant drug mafia don Ovi Mahajan Sr. by Whom Bangladesh drug mafia don Aamir Asif kidnaps. In this film, Pankaj Tripathi played the role of Indian drug mafia don Ovi Mahajan Sr. Ovi Mahajan Sr. was in jail when news of his son’s abduction is received. Saju gives Ovi Mahajan Sr. the news of the kidnapping to Ovi Mahajan Sr’s son, who works for him. Saju was a former Pera Special Force agent who now works for Indian drug mafia don Ovi Mahajan Senior. Ovi Mahajan senior tells Saju, however, to get his son free. Otherwise, he will get Saju’s family killed.
CBI seizes all accounts of Ovi Mahajan Senior. Due to a lack of money, Saju was not able to release Ovi Mahajan Senior’s son. So Saju makes a plan, according to his plan he gives Nick Khan the contract to bring back Ovi Mahajan Jr. from Dhaka-Bangladesh to India from the clutches of Aamir Asif. And Nick Khan assigns Tyler to save Ovi Mahajan Jr. from Dhaka. Tyler was a former SASR agent of Australia, now a betel killer who works for money. Tyler’s son had died of cancer, but Tyler always sees a blurred image of his son.
Tyler, Nick Khan, and his team plan to bring Ovi Mahajan Jr. out of Dhaka, and Tyler then goes to Dhaka-Bangladesh to save Ovi Mahajan Jr. Will Tyler bring Ovi Mahajan Jr. out of Dhaka? Due to the absence of money from Saju, which plan Saju has made, will he be able to succeed in that plan? To know all this, you have to watch the extraction.
Talk about the good things of this film, we will not get to see much of it, but in some places some scenes and dialogues are magnificent, like in the starting scene, Tyler is sitting on an island in Australia and suddenly jumps into the river, The scene is very well shot.
Apart from that, Tyler enters a building in Dhaka to save Ovi Mahajan Jr., the action scenes which are seen there seem to be very good and realistic, as well as the time of fight in that building when Tyler goes from one house to another, and When he entered the house, there are different Hindi film songs playing in the background of fight scenes in each house, there are bullets on one side and Hindi film songs together While playing, you will enjoy watching such a combination.
On one side of the dialogues, Ovi Mahajan says to Junior Tyler, “You never drown by falling into the river, sinking by staying in the water.” Apart from this, no special or strong dialogues will be heard in the film. Apart from this, the best performances of Chris Hemsworth and Randeep Hooda will impress you.
Now talk about the shortcomings of the film, make this film an action film, and show its action scenes realistically, but except for a few scenes, you will not get to see any action scene that you find something new or gives you Goosebumps. While the film’s director Sam Hargrave is also a stuntman and has also worked with Marvel Cinematic Universe.
But the level of expectations we had from the action scenes of the extraction, its action sequences are not able to meet those expectations. Its dialogs also do not attract much. In this film, we have also tried to give an emotional touch, but we are not able to connect as much as its emotional scenes. And no extraordinary work has been done on character development in extraction, due to which we are not able to associate ourselves much with any character. If you see this film, do not expect much from this film, then maybe this film will not disappoint you.
Extraction was released on Netflix on 24th April 2020, a 1-hour 57-minute film.
IMDb: 6.8 / 10
Genres: Action Thriller Film.
Director: Sam Hargrave.
Story: Ande Parks, Joe Russo, Anthony Russo.
Screenplay: Joey Russo.
Star Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Rudraksha Jaiswal, Randeep Hooda, Golshifteh Farhani, Pankaj Tripathi, Priyanshu Painyuli, David Harbor.
Original Networks: Netflix
- Chris Hemsworth, as Tyler Rake, a former SASR operator, turned mercenary.
- Rudraksha Jaiswal as Ovi Mahajan, the son of Indian crime lord Ovi Mahajan Sr.
- Randeep Hooda as Saju Rav, a former Para (Special Forces) operator and henchman of Ovi Mahajan Sr.
- Golshifteh Farahani as Nik Khan, a mercenary and partner of Tyler.
- Pankaj Tripathi as Ovi Mahajan Sr., the incarcerated Indian crime lord, and father of Ovi.
- Priyanshu Painyuli as Amir Asif, the Bangladeshi crime lord who kidnapped Ovi.
- David Harbour as Gaspar, a former teammate of Tyler living in Dhaka.
Extraction rating 2.5 stars out of 5 from me.