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121 Interesting Random Fun Facts: That Will Blow Your Mind

1. The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes between Zanzibar and the United Kingdom. 2. The…
121 Interesting Random Fun Facts: That Will Blow Your Mind

1. The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes between Zanzibar and the United Kingdom.

2. The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.

3. A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.

4. Honey never spoils.

5. The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old.

6. The longest word in the English language is 189,819 letters long.

7. The average person spends six months of their lifetime waiting for red lights to turn green.

8. The only letter that doesn’t appear in any U.S. state name is “Q.”

9. Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints.

10. The world’s largest snowflake on record was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.

11. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept” (John 11:35).

12. The human nose can detect over 1 trillion different scents.

13. The oldest living animal on Earth is a tortoise named Jonathan, who is 190 years old.

14. The world’s largest rubber duck is over 55 feet tall.

15. In Japan, there is a train station that only operates for one passenger.

16. The world’s largest chocolate bar weighed over 12,000 pounds.

17. The world’s largest yo-yo is 11 feet tall and weighs over 4,000 pounds.

18. The world’s largest jigsaw puzzle has over 551,232 pieces.

19. The world’s largest swimming pool is over 1,000 yards long and holds 66 million gallons of water.

20. The first recorded game of basketball was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets.

21. There are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe.

22. The world’s largest snow maze covers over 2 acres of land.

23. There is a town in Pennsylvania called Intercourse.

24. The world’s largest potato chip was over 25 inches long and 14 inches wide.

25. The world’s largest mailbox is over 40 feet tall.

26. The longest wedding veil on record was over 63,000 feet long.

27. The longest book title ever is “The Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections” by Pierre Bayle, with over 11,000 words.

28. The world’s largest pencil is over 76 feet long.

29. The world’s largest accordion has over 41,000 reeds and weighs over 800 pounds.

30. The world’s largest functioning revolver weighs over 100 pounds.

31. The world’s largest hammock can hold up to 40 people.

32. There is a species of jellyfish that is essentially immortal.

33. The world’s largest Christmas tree was over 221 feet tall.

34. The world’s largest pair of cowboy boots are over 35 feet tall.

35. There is a species of frog that can freeze solid and survive.

36. The world’s largest hot dog weighed over 1,000 pounds.

37. The world’s largest kaleidoscope is over 60 feet long.

38. There is a species of fish that can walk on land.

39. The world’s largest pencil sharpener weighs over 900 pounds.

40. The world’s largest bicycle is over 29 feet tall and weighs over 3,000 pounds.

41. The world’s largest crocheted blanket is over 70,000 square feet.

42. The world’s largest pinball machine is over 18 feet tall.

43. There is a species of shark that can glow in the dark.

44. The world’s largest collection of rubber ducks is over 10,000.

45. The world’s largest collection of postage stamps belongs to Queen Elizabeth II and contains over 2.5 million stamps.

46. There is a species of antelope that can jump higher than a house.

47. The world’s largest model train set covers over 1,150 square feet.

48. The world’s largest paper airplane has a wingspan of over 45 feet.

49. There is a species of octopus that is so intelligent it can escape from aquariums.

50. The world’s largest rubber band ball weighs over 9,000 pounds.

51. There is a species of snail that can sleep for up to three years.

52. The world’s largest origami crane is over 215 feet tall.

53. There is a species of moth that drinks the tears of sleeping birds.

54. The world’s largest ball of twine weighs over 20,000 pounds.

55. There is a species of bat that feeds on blood.

56. The world’s largest musical instrument is the Great Stalacpipe Organ in Virginia, which uses stalactites as pipes.

57. There is a species of spider that can glide through the air using its web.

58. The world’s largest functioning guitar is over 43 feet long.

59. There is a species of caterpillar that can shoot its poop up to six feet away.

60. The world’s largest collection of Pez dispensers is over 10,000.

61. There is a species of lizard that can run on water.

62. The world’s largest game of musical chairs involved over 1,600 participants.

63. There is a species of snake that can fly through the air.

64. The world’s largest collection of Barbie dolls is over 15,000.

65. There is a species of shrimp that can produce a sound louder than a gunshot.

66. The world’s largest mosaic made of recycled materials is over 40,000 square feet.

67. There is a species of bird that can imitate the sounds of chainsaws and car alarms.

68. The world’s largest collection of rubber stamps is over 200,000.

69. There is a species of fish that can change its gender.

70. The world’s largest functioning fidget spinner is over 12 feet wide.

71. There is a species of frog that gives birth through its mouth.

72. The world’s largest snow sculpture is over 100 feet tall.

73. There is a species of worm that can grow up to 10 feet long.

74. The world’s largest collection of salt and pepper shakers is over 50,000.

75. There is a species of fish that can electrocute prey with its tongue.

76. The world’s largest functioning Rubik’s Cube is over 6 feet tall.

77. There is a species of bird that can mimic the sound of a chainsaw.

78. The world’s largest collection of thimbles is over 60,000.

79. There is a species of fish that can walk on its fins.

80. The world’s largest functioning 3D-printed object is over 30 feet long.

81. There is a species of octopus that can mimic the color and texture of its surroundings.

82. The world’s largest collection of PEZ dispensers belongs to Gary Doss and contains over 900,000.

83. There is a species of fish that can climb waterfalls.

84. The world’s largest functioning electric guitar is over 43 feet long.

85. There is a species of spider that can eat fish.

86. The world’s largest collection of antique padlocks is over 4,000.

87. There is a species of bat that is so small it can fit on a human thumbnail.

88. The world’s largest functioning harmonica is over 18 feet long.

89. There is a species of parrot that can solve complex puzzles.

90.The world’s largest collection of antique scissors is over 3,500.

91. There is a species of bird that can fly backwards.

92. The world’s largest functioning ukulele is over 13 feet long.

93. There is a species of jellyfish that is biologically immortal.

94. The world’s largest collection of bottle openers is over 10,000.

95. There is a species of salamander that can regenerate its limbs.

96. The world’s largest functioning yo-yo is over 11 feet in diameter.

97. There is a species of monkey that uses tools to crack open nuts.

98. The world’s largest collection of traffic cones is over 5,000.

99. There is a species of whale that can communicate over long distances using complex songs.

100. The world’s largest functioning yo-yo weighs over 900 pounds.

101. There is a species of bird that can recognize itself in a mirror.

102. The world’s largest collection of antique door locks is over 6,000.

103. There is a species of shark that can glow in the dark.

104. The world’s largest functioning slinky is over 1,000 feet long.

105. There is a species of bee that can make blue honey.

106. The world’s largest collection of traffic lights is over 1,200.

107. There is a species of sea slug that can photosynthesize like a plant.

108. The world’s largest functioning Etch-A-Sketch is over 12 feet tall.

109. There is a species of crab that can climb trees.

110. The world’s largest collection of antique irons is over 2,000.

111. There is a species of whale that can live for over 200 years.

112. The world’s largest functioning pinball machine is over 40 feet long.

113. There is a species of shrimp that can see more colors than humans.

114. The world’s largest collection of antique plows is over 1,500.

115. There is a species of bird that can fly for months without touching the ground.

116. The world’s largest functioning paper airplane launcher can launch planes over 200 feet.

117. There is a species of butterfly that can drink blood.

118. The world’s largest collection of antique inkwells is over 2,500.

119. There is a species of bird that can mimic the sounds of over 100 other species.

120. The world’s largest functioning kaleidoscope is over 60 feet tall.

121. There is a species of turtle that can breathe through its rear end.

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