Le Gouffre is an inspiring tale about friendship, sacrifice and conquering the impossible. It is the first animated short film which is produced and directed by Lightning Boy Studio, a young creative team from Montreal.
The film tells the story of two spirited travelers who come across an incredibly wide chasm on their journey and decide to build a bridge to cross it. Released in February 2015, the project had first gained a lot of attention following the huge success of its Kickstarter campaign, which allowed the creators to finance the movie’s post-production. Many were impressed by the passion and determination of the small team of three animators, who spent more than two full years creating the 10-minute film. As of now, Le Gouffre has been selected in more than 60 festivals around the world and won nine awards, four of them for “Best Animated Short”.
Website: http://www.legouffre.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/filmlegouffre