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37 Short Riddles That Makes you Freeze

1. What is always before you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future 2. What has a head,…
37 Short Riddles That Makes You Freeze

1. What is always before you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future

2. What has a head, and a tail, is brown, and has no legs? Answer: A penny

3. What goes up but never comes down? Answer: Age

4. What gets wet while drying? Answer: A towel

5. What has one eye but cannot see? Answer: A needle

6. I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but I need water to live. What am I? Answer: Fire

7. What starts with an E, ends with an E, but only contains one letter? Answer: Envelope

8. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? Answer: Silence

9. I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, yet almost every person uses me. What am I? Answer: Pencil lead

10. What goes around the world but stays in one spot? Answer: A stamp

11. I am light as a feather, yet the most vital person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I? Answer: Breath

12. What has a heart that doesn’t beat? Answer: An artichoke

13. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive? Answer: A glove

14. What has a neck but no head? Answer: A bottle

15. What has a bottom at the top? Answer: A leg

16. What has a mouth but cannot eat, and what moves but has no feet? Answer: River

17. What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? Answer: Egg

18. What is light as a feather, yet the most muscular man cannot hold it for long? Answer: Breath

19. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Answer: A clock

20. What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it? Answer: Teapot

21. What is full of holes but still holds water? Answer: A sponge

22. What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening? Answer: Man (crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and uses a cane in old age)

23. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? Answer: Footsteps

24. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? Answer: The letter M

25. What has a head and a tail but no body? Answer: A coin

26. What goes through cities and fields but never moves? Answer: A road

27. What can you catch but not throw? Answer: A cold

28. What has a mouth but doesn’t speak, and what runs but doesn’t walk? Answer: River

29. I am always hungry; I must constantly be fed. The finger I touch will soon turn red. What am I? Answer: Fire

30. What has four fingers and a thumb but is not alive? Answer: A glove

31. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Answer: A towel

32. What goes through the water but does not get wet? Answer: Sunlight.

33. What begins with an E, ends with an E, but only contains one letter? Answer: Envelope

34. What has one letter but is not the letter E? Answer: Envelope

35. What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? Answer: Post Office

36. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? Answer: Charcoal

37. What has a mouth but doesn’t speak, and what runs but doesn’t walk? Answer: River.

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