This entertaining film follows the story of a young man who discovers his true identity and finds love and purpose in a new family.
A gripping action film set in the backdrop of the Kolar Gold Fields. It tells the story of a young orphan who rises to power and becomes a legendary figure.
This heartwarming film revolves around the lives of three cousins who reunite in Bangalore and embark on a journey of friendship, love, and self-discovery.
A coming-of-age romantic film that follows the life of George, a young man who experiences love and heartbreak at different stages of his life.
A psychological thriller that follows the story of a police officer who investigates a series of gruesome murders.
This romantic drama explores the love story between a hot-headed student leader and a state-level cricketer.
A heartwarming tale of a free-spirited man named Charlie who brings joy and happiness to the lives of people he encounters.
This feel-good romantic comedy explores the concept of second chances in love. It tells the story of a man who gets a chance to revisit his life after a failed marriage.
A refreshing romantic comedy that revolves around the accidental meeting of a young aspiring chef and an ambitious woman.
An experimental film that weaves together multiple stories of different characters who find themselves interconnected.